•contro-corrente #2

Exhibition contro-corrente #2_FRAC Grand Large_Dunkerque_2016

Ins­pi­red by Pier Pao­lo Paso­li­ni’s tra­vel dia­ry, La lun­ga stra­da di sab­bia, the jour­ney he made in 1959 along the Ita­lian coasts behind the wheel of his Mil­le­cen­to, I fol­lo­wed his same route, alone, behind the wheel of my van, from coast to coast, revi­si­ting the places he des­cri­bed 60 years ear­lier. I chose to split the iti­ne­ra­ry into three parts and fol­low it in the oppo­site direc­tion, to begin with the ter­ri­to­ry of his child­hood. His tra­vel dia­ry became my road­map and his poe­try my tra­vel­ling com­pa­nion ! This text, accom­pa­nied by the pho­to­graphs of Pao­lo di Pao­lo, was publi­shed in three parts in the maga­zine Suc­ces­so, bet­ween July and Sep­tem­ber ’59. It was the­re­fore lit­tle known until it was recent­ly publi­shed in book form (in Ita­ly, in Roman­zi e rac­con­ti edi­ted by Mon­da­do­ri Edi­tions in 1998 and in France, under the title La longue route de sable by Arléa Edi­tions in 1999). This sto­ry alrea­dy contains all his poe­try, his authen­tic and some­times inci­sive remarks on the state of this ter­ri­to­ry, his love for it…
Year in, year out, through dis­co­ve­ries and chance encoun­ters, I col­lec­ted many pho­to­graphs, video­gra­phies, sounds, words, objects, sand… with which I then com­po­sed the tri­lo­gy contro-cor­rente #1, #2 and #3, pre­sen­ted in audio-visual ins­tal­la­tions accom­pa­nied by the publi­ca­tion of my tra­vel dia­ries ( onoma­to edi­tion sine ).

contro-cor­rente #2 retraces the six-week jour­ney along the Ligu­rian and Thy­re­nian Seas, from Ven­ti­mi­glia to the Lido di Ostia. This last stop on La lun­ga stra­da di sab­bia is also the place where Pier Pao­lo Paso­li­ni was sava­ge­ly murdered.

Ins­pi­rée par le récit de Pier Pao­lo Paso­li­ni, “La lun­ga stra­da di sab­bia”, ce voyage qu’il réa­li­sa en 1959, lon­geant le lit­to­ral ita­lien au volant de sa Mil­le­cen­to, j’ai moi-même repris cette route, seule, au volant de ma camion­nette, de côte en côte, allant revi­si­ter les lieux qu’il décri­vait 60 ans aupa­ra­vant. J’ai choi­si de divi­ser l’itinéraire en trois étapes et de le suivre “à contre-cou­rant” pour débu­ter par le ter­ri­toire de son enfance. Son jour­nal est deve­nu ma feuille de route et sa poé­sie mon com­pa­gnon de voyage ! Ce texte, accom­pa­gné des pho­to­gra­phies de Pao­lo di Pao­lo, fut publié de juillet à sep­tembre 59 dans trois numé­ros de la revue “Suc­ces­so”. Il fut donc peu connu, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit nou­vel­le­ment dif­fu­sé sous forme de livre (en Ita­lie, dans le recueil “Roman­zi e rac­con­ti” édi­té par les édi­tions Mon­da­do­ri, en 1998 et en France, sous le titre “La longue route de sable” par les édi­tions Arléa, en 1999). Ce récit recèle déjà toute sa poé­sie, ses remarques authen­tiques, inci­sives par­fois, sur l’état de ce ter­ri­toire, son amour pour celui-ci…
D’année en année, au fil des décou­vertes et des ren­contres for­tuites, j’ai col­lec­té de nom­breuses pho­to­gra­phies, vidéo­gra­phies, des sons, des mots, des objets, du sable… avec les­quels j’ai ensuite com­po­sé la tri­lo­gie “contro-cor­rente #1, #2 et #3″ que j’ai pré­sen­tée sous forme d’installations audio-visuelles accom­pa­gnées de la publi­ca­tion de mes jour­naux de voyage ( ono­ma­to edi­tion sine ).

•“contro-cor­rente #2″ retrace le par­cours de six semaines au fil des mers Ligure et Thy­ré­nienne, depuis Vin­ti­mille jusqu’au Lido di Ostia. Cette der­nière étape sur “La lun­ga stra­da di sab­bia” est éga­le­ment le lieu où Pier Pao­lo Paso­li­ni fut sau­va­ge­ment assassiné.

in co-part­ner­ship Châ­teau Coquelle_Dunkerque / FRAC Grand Large_Dunkerque

<i>Cartographie contro-corrente #2</i>, white ink on the windows, 2016 (Detail. All exhibition views © Aurélien Mole)

Installation <i>Massa Carrara, cc2</i>, 1 print on blue back mountained on the wall corner, 160 x 240 cm, 24 pigmentary prints on cotton paper, various sizes mountained on wood or framed, 2016

<i>Massa Carrara, cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail) + sound installation composed of readings from my travel diaries and music related to Pasolini's story

<i>Massa Carrara, cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail)

Installation <i>Lido di Ostia, cc2</i>, 1 print on blue back mountained on the wall, 250 x 320 cm, 20 pigmentary prints on cotton paper, various sizes mountained on wood or framed, 2016

<i>Vitrine cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail)

<i>Lido di Ostia, cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail)

<i>Lido di Ostia, cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail)

<i>Santa Maria dell’Orazione e Morte</i>, 1 pigmentary print on cotton paper, wood frame, 42x31 cm, 1 pigmentary print on cotton paper mountained on wood, 10x10 cm, 2016

<i>Lido di Ostia, cc2</i>, 2016 (Detail)

<i>IMG_1077, Lido di Ostia, cc2</i>, various sizes, 2015

<i>IMG_0310, Albenga, cc2</i>, various sizes, 2015

<i>IMG_0536, Romito Magra, cc2</i>, various sizes, 2015

<i>IMG_0837, Argentario, cc2</i>, various sizes, 2015

<i>IMG_0567, Massa Carrara, cc2</i>, blue back on wall, 160 x 240 cm, 2016

<i>contro corrente #2</i>, video HD, 34'15, 2016

3 screenings of <i>aerial views</i> alternating with the film <i>contro corrente #2</i>

Installation <i>Pineta di Cecina, cc2</i>, 40' LED LFD screen photography, wave sound, 2016

<i>IMG_0696, Pineta di Cecina, cc2</i>, various sizes, 2015